

Open a JoyID app popup window to sign a CKB raw transaction.


function signRawTransaction: (
  tx: Transaction,
  signerAddress: string,
  config?: SignConfig
): Promise<Transaction>
interface Transaction {
  cellDeps: CellDep[]
  hash?: Hash
  headerDeps: Hash[]
  inputs: Input[]
  outputs: Output[]
  outputsData: HexString[]
  version: HexNumber
  witnesses: HexString[]
interface SignConfig extends PopupConfig {
   * The name of your app
  name?: string
   * The logo of your app
  logo?: string
   * The RPC URL of the ckb node that your app is using
  rpcURL?: string
   * The network that your app is using, defaults to JoyID testnet
  network?: 'mainnet' | 'testnet'
   * The URL of JoyID app url that your app is integrated with, defaults to https://app.joyid.dev
  joyidAppURL?: string
   * The URL of JoyID server url that your app is integrated with
  joyidServerURL?: string
   * The first JoyID input cell position to sign transaction with JoyID lock
  witnessIndex?: number


import { signRawTransaction } from '@joyid/ckb'
import JSBI from 'jsbi'
async function joyidSignRawTransaction() {
  try {
    const signedTx = await signTransaction({
      "version": "0x0",
      "cellDeps": [
              "outPoint": {
                  "txHash": "0x4dcf3f3b09efac8995d6cbee87c5345e812d310094651e0c3d9a730f32dc9263",
                  "index": "0x0"
              "depType": "depGroup"
              "outPoint": {
                  "txHash": "0x7bf3899cf41879ed0319bf5312c9db5bf5620fff9ebe59556c261c48f0369054",
                  "index": "0x0"
              "depType": "code"
      "headerDeps": [],
      "inputs": [
              "previousOutput": {
                  "txHash": "0x62c8488177f17a7868520c8f3f3dbbbfe2753412c23d1f472671c55f32839199",
                  "index": "0x2"
              "since": "0x0"
      "outputs": [
              "capacity": "0x525433d00",
              "lock": {
                  "codeHash": "0xd23761b364210735c19c60561d213fb3beae2fd6172743719eff6920e020baac",
                  "hashType": "type",
                  "args": "0x0001f21be6c96d2103946d37a1ee882011f7530a92a7"
              "type": {
                  "codeHash": "0x50fdea2d0030a8d0b3d69f883b471cab2a29cae6f01923f19cecac0f27fdaaa6",
                  "hashType": "type",
                  "args": "0xd28f286bd1c2998882656ccaa09b634abc1d14f584b8ad4e8132bdd1b7841c19"
              "capacity": "0x1252e28b50",
              "lock": {
                  "codeHash": "0xd23761b364210735c19c60561d213fb3beae2fd6172743719eff6920e020baac",
                  "hashType": "type",
                  "args": "0x0001f21be6c96d2103946d37a1ee882011f7530a92a7"
      "outputsData": [
      "witnesses": [
    // send signed tx to blockchain
    const hash = await rpc.sendTransaction(signedTx, 'passthrough')
  } catch (e) {