

Connect JoyID Wallet to your app.


function connect(config?: SignConfig): Promise<ConnectResponse>
interface SignConfig extends PopupConfig {
   * The name of your app
  name?: string
   * The logo of your app
  logo?: string
   * The RPC URL of the ckb node that your app is using
  rpcURL?: string
   * The network that your app is using, defaults to JoyID AXON devnet
  network?: Network
   * The URL of JoyID app url that your app is integrated with, defaults to https://app.joyid.dev
  joyidAppURL?: string
   * The URL of JoyID server url that your app is integrated with
  joyidServerURL?: string
interface PopupConfig {
   * Default is 300s
  timeoutInSeconds?: number
   * popup instance
  popup?: Window
interface Network {
  name: string
  chainId: number
interface ConnectResponse {
  // The CKB address of the authenticated user
  address: string
  // The Ethereum address of the authenticated user
  ethAddress: string
  // The public key of the authenticated user
  pubkey: string
   * key type of the authenticated user
  keyType: 'main_key' | 'sub_key' | 'main_session_key' | 'sub_session_key'


import { connect } from '@joyid/ckb'
async function joyidConnect() {
  const config = {
    title: 'Example App',
    logo: 'https://example.com/logo.png',
  try {
    const res = await connect(config)
  } catch (e) {